Thursday, September 4, 2008

Life is NOW!

By Rick Gettle


(Excerpt from "The Science of Success Achievement Course")
© 2008 Rick Gettle

What Is Life?

Life Is Now!
Yesterday Is Gone - Tomorrow May Never Come. No One Has A Guarantee In Their Pocket That Says
They Will Be Around Tomorrow. Before This Day Is Over - Your Life Can Come To An End

What Is Success?

Success Is Turning Your Now Into TOTAL FULFILLMENT


"How Can We Complain That Life Has Lost Interest -- Life Will Never Lose Its Romance For The Person Who Unselfishly Does Good For Others. Those Who Do Lose The Thrill Of Living, Are The One's Who Develop The Habit Of Thinking Exclusively About Themselves -- Who Are Constantly Concerned With Their Own Interest -- Or Their Own Pleasure Or What Is More Common Their Own Troubles.

"Start The Habit Of Doing Good To The People Nearest You. This Policy Will Make You So Happy That You Will Sing Inside -- And The Whole World Around You Will Take On A Richer Color. The Grass Will Be Greener -- The Songs Of The Birds Will Be Sweeter -- The Stars Will Be Brighter -- The Skies Bluer, And Even If The Bank Account Is Low And Things Are Tough -- The Dreariness Of Life Will Depart -- If You Learn The Secret Of Finding Happiness In Human Service.... Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

Some Wise Person Once Said: "Unhappiness -- Is The Hunger To Get -
Happiness -- Is The Hunger To Give" A Kind Word -- A Smile -- A Helping Hand

We Are So Busy Buying And Piling Things On Top Of Things
And New And Better Things On Top Of Those Things
That We are Only Happy For A While.
The Best Things In Life Are Still Free.

Don't Forget To Take Time To Live And Enjoy Your Life

Everyday You Hear Someone Say: "Some Day I'll"

(Fill In The blanks)

Some day I'll write my book.
Some day I'll go in business for myself.
Some day I'll learn the piano.
Some day I'll read all the classics.

Have you ever gone to "Some Day Isle" for a vacation? Don't bother - It's too crowded there. The world is filled with people who are going to do something great - some day. They are waiting for the time to be "just right." The time is never just right.

In Napoleon Hill's book, Think And Grow Rich, on page 36, in: Six Steps That Turn Desires Into Gold, I like the Fourth Step the best. It says: Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action. Start now - and work with whatever tools you have at hand and better ones will be available for you as you go along.

Delay Is The Worst Form Of Denial.

The Secret Of A Happy & Successful Life Consists In Taking Time To Live.

There Are Two Things To Aim At In Life:

First -- To Get What You Want -- After That -- To Enjoy It.
Only The Wisest Of Mankind Achieve The Second.

For years, I Wanted An Organ -- I Got It -- And It Sat There For Several Years - How About You? How Many Of You Have Something You Wanted Real Bad, But Once You Got It-- You Never Use It? Great Books You Don't Read - Club Memberships You Don't Use. And Even A Great Body And Mind Some People Never Use.

Life Is
By Mother Theresa

Life Is Bliss - Taste It.`
Life Is Luck - Make It.
Life Is A Song - Sing It.
Life Is Life - Fight For It.
Life Is A Game - Play It.
Life Is Beauty - Admire It.
Life Is A Promise - Fulfill It.
Life Is A Duty - Complete It.
Life Is A Dream - Realize It.
Life Is A Struggle - Accept It.
Life Is A Challenge - Meet It.
Life Is Sorrow - Overcome It.
Life Is A Tragedy - Confront It.
Life Is An Adventure - Dare It.
Life Is Too Precious - Do Not Destroy It.
Life Is An Opportunity - Benefit From It.

One day a teacher asked her students to write down a list of The Seven Wonders In The World and when they were through to turn them in.
While Gathering The Votes, The Teacher Noted That One Quiet Student Hadn't Turned In Her Paper Yet, So She Asked The Girl If She Was Having Trouble With Her List.
The Girl Replied, "Yes, A Little. I Couldn't Quite Make Up My Mind Because There Were So Many."
The Teacher Said, "Well, Tell Us What You Have, And Maybe We Can Help."
The Girl Hesitated, Then Read, "I Think The Seven Wonders Of The World Are:

1. To See
2. To Taste
3. To Touch
4. To Hear
She Hesitated A Little, And Then Added,
5. To Feel
6. To Laugh
7. And To Love

The Room Was So Full Of Silence You Could Have Heard A Pin Drop.
Those Things We Overlook As Simple And Ordinary Are Truly Wondrous.
This Is A Gentle Reminder That The Most Precious Things In Life Cannot Be Bought.
Being Happy Doesn't Mean Everything's Perfect, It Just Means You've Decided To See Beyond The Imperfections.
What Did You Learn From This Lesson And How Do You Plan On Applying What You Learned?

Permission To Use This Article Is Granted As Long As You Display My Contact Information

Rick Gettle - The Master Mind Alliance

For Rick Gettle Courses - Go To

Then To Events - Then Look For Rick Gettle –
Personality - Presence - Personal Magnetism For

4-Week Free Course

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Don't Get Carried Away With Your Success(es)!

By Tayo Solagbade

James Cook in his book titled "The Startup Entrepreneur" explained that certain successful entrepreneurs get very uneasy whenever things seemed to be going (in their opinion) "too smoothly". They are rarely comfortable with "good times" and when such times come upon them, they take pains to stay on the alert for things that could go wrong.

In a number of cases, these individuals learn to be this way due to bitter and painful past experiences in which they had suffered devastating setbacks because they got carried away with their successes to the point that avoidable failure was visited upon them.

If anyone should know what this feels likes, it's ME! The positive side to all this however is that every time, in the process of recovering from EACH setback, I have learnt many useful lessons.

It was Fran Tarketon who said "A true entrepreneur never stays down".

In previous writings I have used the example of some celebrities who achieve local fame and success, but immediately lose their focus, sense of moderation and humility.

They begin acting out unhealthy fantasies through poor attempts at flaunting what they think suggests wealth - e.g. buy/drive flashy cars, eat/dress expensively, and even become loudmouthed. Often times this leads to their success being short-lived, as they eventually get into one trouble or the other - be it through financial indiscipline, bad relationships, etc.

TOM Associates have a series of educational tapes, which they routinely produce to meet the personal development needs of people who attend their training programmes. In one of such tapes on "Wealth Building", highly successful/wealthy people were described as having - among other qualities - the "habit" of "living well below their means", believing that they do not need to show they have wealth.

Also, the tape explains that a person earning high income, who spends all that he earns as quickly as it comes, will not be wealthy. In other words, wealth comes thorough the careful accumulation and growth (via investment) of that which has been earned.

I went into elaborate detail in my Ten Week e-mail course explaining the importance of understanding the issue of "Money Management and Wealth Creation". I quoted very successful people who have shared their knowledge in this area.

Now, with this understanding of how to manage the inflow of income resulting from your initial successes, you may also want to ask yourself, what next? Many people have short-term visions for themselves/their businesses. It is however much better to try thinking ahead, and envision where you would like to be in the distant future in your business. This way, even when you achieve your small victories/short-term goals, you will be able to stay focused on maintaining your performance to achieve the longer-term goals.

It is the absence of long-term planning that often makes many people wrongly conclude that they have arrived, when they suddenly achieve a small success. You should have determined at the start why you are doing what you are doing, and how far you want to go with it. Then plan carefully what you need to make it happen, who can help you get there, what problems could crop up etc.

When you work this way, you will be much less likely to fall into the common trap of getting carried away with your successes. Examples of how people get carried away include: An actor or actress/entertainer especially preferred for key roles due to his/her good looks/smartness suddenly starts "putting on a lot of weight".

A check reveals that he/she now eats indiscriminately and/or does no exercises. The result over time - his/her performance drops. For a while, the fame from previous achievements might help to raise "heads"/open doors, but after a while, he/she would become obsolete.

My observations and experiences prove that as humans we are prone to errors and mistakes. What is crucial is that we learn from them. The message I therefore wish to share in this article is that you constantly strive to AVOID getting so preoccupied with your successes that you forget to CONTINUE doing the things that made you successful in the first place.

Failure, as Jim Rohn once wrote, does not happen suddenly - it is very OFTEN the result of a long series of poor decisions and wrong choices/actions you take over time. Keep this in mind and act based on your understanding of it, and you will NOT have to endure avoidable setbacks in any endeavour you embark upon!

Asked which of his works he would select as his masterpiece, architect Frank Lloyd Wright at the age of 83 replied, "My next one."

Self-Development/Performance Enhancement Specialist Tayo Solagbade - works as a Multipreneur, helping individuals/businesses develop and implement strategies to achieve their goals, faster and more profitably.

Visit - to subscribe to Tayo's Self-Development Digest newsletter.

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Understand Manifestation - the Step-By-Step Process Revealed

By Laura D Adams

Manifesting results we want in our lives--like more wealth, better health, happier relationships, etc.--can happen in two different ways.

(1) We can simply do nothing, wait, and hope that they arrive by pure happenstance, or

(2) we can be diligent each and every day to put effort into bringing the results we want closer to us.

I don't know about you, but I'm setting up my tent in the second camp! This is because I know that manifestation is not a mystery. Manifesting our desires, which begin as fuzzy thoughts, into our everyday reality is a process we can master.

Knowledge, by itself, produces nothing. It's the combination of knowledge, intent, desire, and action that really starts to make things happen.

It's like having knowledge about how to grow a garden. If you want big, healthy vegetables, you certainly must have gardening knowledge. But only when you see yourself picking ripe fresh tomatoes and enjoying them so much, will the desire move you.

The desire to fulfill your vision takes you straight to the actions of buying, planting, and watering the seeds. Once this process is complete, the vegetable garden can become a reality.

There is a technique available right now for manifesting our dream life. Here's the step-by-step process revealed for you:

1. Determine the Ideal
Ask yourself, "in the ideal world, what would be different about my current situation" or "if I could have absolutely any outcome I wanted for this particular problem, what would that look like". Be very specific and don't get bogged down with you think may not be possible. Brainstorm at least 3 different answers. If you catch that little voice in the back of your head saying, "no, that's not possible", you must ignore it. Choose your favorite ideal.

2. Virtual-ize the Ideal
Pretend the ideal has occurred. Close you eyes and imagine that it's about to happen, that it does happen, and that it already happened. Feel grateful that the ideal did happen, and understand how it changes your life.
Of course you know that your ideal scenario did not happen in your "real" life, but that it is working in your "virtual" life. When you can exist in both your "real" life and your "virtual" life simultaneously, you are making progress. The more consistently you can exist with one foot in both worlds, the closer they will move toward each other.

3. Realize the Ideal
As your "virtual" life gets very close to your "real" life, you will feel it so powerfully that you have no choice but to speak about it as truth. You will have no choice but to take actions toward your "virtual" life that begin to place it in your reality. You start to look forward to it so much that the joy of having your "virtual" life soaks through you.

4. Manifest the Ideal
This is the point at which your "virtual" and "real" lives merge completely.
The real trick to Step #2, Virtual-ize the Ideal, is to spend time focusing on exactly what you want. Many people are so frustrated and upset about not having what they want, that they focus on their lack. This, of course, creates the complete opposite result that we want.

There are some powerful visualization tools that can be used to imprint your "virtual" life into your subconscious. This will speed up the time it takes to move into Step #3 and to accomplish Step #4.

So be sure to catch your mind sneaking off to think about the wrong things, and pull it back into concentration on the right things. For instance, always believe:

• that you have a right to have what you want

• that you are personally worthy of anything you want

• that the world has plenty of whatever you want to go around

• that there is a higher purpose in having what you want

• that having what you want is attainable

• that you are already grateful for your future abundance

• that negative thoughts never serve you

Master the 4-step manifestation process, keep your thoughts focused on what is positive and productive, and you'll be surprised how quickly you can manifest your dream life

How would you like to manifest your ideal life by tapping the power of YOUR subconscious mind? Revolutionary videos from Get The Dream combine an electronic Vision Board with Brainwave Entrainment technology. Put the Law of Attraction to work in your life with only 20 minutes per day! Programs are available for instant download at

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

1440 Simple Steps to Personal Success

By Lisa Almeida

For many business owners, checking email is one of the first tasks of the day. What if you checked your email one morning and found something like this?

Good Morning!

Today is your lucky day! If you check your bank account, you will find that $1440 dollars have been added to it while you were sleeping. This is not a trick. This money is yours to use in any way you like today. But at the end of the day, whatever you do not use will disappear - forever.

I think you'd agree that this is a very generous offer. However there are some restrictions:

"You can exchange the money for anything you like.

"You can buy things for yourself and others.

"You can invest it in things that will bring a future return.

"But you cannot save it - at midnight each night the balance of the $1440 will go to zero.

"However, at 12:01 another $1440 will appear with the same restrictions as the previous day.

Enjoy this gift and use it wisely!

What would you do with an opportunity like this? I challenge you to stop for a moment and really consider what you would do with an endless daily supply of $1440.

Ah, what a nice fantasy. Too bad it isn't real, right? Oh, but it is. Except that the 1440 you receive everyday is not money - it's minutes.

Everyday you get 1440 minutes to spend or invest any way you like. How you use your daily allotment of minutes is entirely up to you.

"You can spend your minutes engaged in activities that bring you and those around you joy and pleasure.

"You can invest your minutes in endeavors that will generate a return of wealth in countless ways down the road - including financial rewards.

"But you can't bank them because at the end of the day, the minutes that made it up are gone forever.

This is a really interesting concept, but the frosting on the cake comes when you realize that everyone gets the same deal everyday. Everyone - regardless of age, social standing, education, bank balance, shoe size, height, weight, gender, race, geographical location or any other classification you can come up with - gets a daily package of 1440 minutes to make the most of.

So how have you been using your 1440 each day? Have you been investing in yourself - your physical, mental or spiritual health? Have you been investing in your business - reading and learning how to grow your strengths and minimize your weaknesses? Have you been pursuing your passions? And what about your progress? Have you been measuring your success against your own yardstick or someone else's?

If you are able to place your head on the pillow most evenings and drift peacefully off to sleep, then chances are you're spending your minutes well and wisely.

However, if swift and sound sleep evades you because you are fraught with fear, anxiety and doubt, then you may want to re-assess the use of your 1440 and consider making some adjustments to your priorities and choices. It could be that a bit of fine tuning is all that's needed to bring you face to face with bliss.

Lisa Almeida is a Holistic Marketing Mentor and owner of Planit Production. She teaches business owners how to apply do-it-yourself techniques to powerful marketing methods to get big business results with small business resources. If you are in the market for strategies that can deliver the results you want while honoring you vision and values visit today and sign up to receive the weekly ezine, Going Soul-o.

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sleep Your Way to Success

By Lesley Munchrath

Sleep is an essential element in personal success. A good night’s sleep is important to your general health and your ability to be effective throughout the day. How much sleep is adequate, most researchers quote seven to eight hours of sleep as sufficient. There are many benefits to making sure you are getting adequate sleep.

A good night’s sleep leads to overall improved functioning. Sleep provides the body with time to repair itself from the damage it has been through from the day before. Adequate sleep supplies you with a fully functioning mind and body that has had time to fully repair itself from the day before. A fully functioning mind and body means greater focus and productivity when working toward your success goals.

Sleep is also important in decreasing your risk of effects such as obesity, diseases, infections and diabetes. I am sure you can recall a time when adequate sleep was out of your reach and as you became more fatigued your body began to respond in the same way. A fatigued body has a much more difficult time of fighting off infections.

Another significant factor in arguing for adequate sleep is the amazing effects it can have on your skin. Better sleep leads to better skin. Not only does your skin improve, you can also regulate your weight more easily when you are getting your seven to eight hours of sleep in a night.

I know it’s important to get adequate sleep for peak performance but how do I do it? Here are a few tips to assist you in having a great night’s sleep.

One of the best ways to ensure regular sleep is to institute a regular calming bedtime routine. It is important to avoid distractions such as television before going to bed. An alternative to watching television may be to have a hot shower or bath. Incorporate activities that help you wind down from the day such as drinking decaffeinated tea. Even the computer and television can be described as stimulants so steer clear of them about two hours before bedtime.

Another important step to having a great night’s sleep is to ensure a dark quiet room. As well as adjusting the light and noise you want to make sure the temperature is comfortable even on the cooler side. Your environment should be well controlled so as not to have too many extremes.

Make sure you keep away from eating large meals just before bedtime. Large meals can stimulate your digestive system which can disturb your sleep. Small snacks are absolutely okay, especially if you are diabetic – just make sure your snacks are small and healthy.

Another vital step to improved sleep is to steer clear of strenuous exercise about two to three hours before bedtime. Exercise can raise your body temperature making you uncomfortable and causing difficulty falling asleep. The key is to find relaxing activities to do before bedtime.

An absolutely essential step to your bedtime routine must include staying away from caffeine, nicotine or other stimulants within about four hours of your bedtime. For what appears to be obvious reasons, avoiding stimulants will help your body to relax when you are ready to go to bed.

Use your bed for sleeping. Your bed is not the place for your laptop or a card game of solitaire, remind your body and your brain that your bed is there for sleep. Also keep your bedroom free of clutter. I know this is sometimes difficult to do as your bedroom tends to be the "dumping ground" for things that have nowhere else to go. Try to keep from piling them in your bedroom so you are relaxed when you enter your sleeping place. Make sure your sheets are clean. Nothing better than nice clean and crisp sheets for a great night’s sleep.

Finally, make sure you are comfortable in your pyjamas (or not if you decide none is better). Make sure you use cotton or another breathable material –right down to your underwear. Natural material is best as you are less likely to overheat.

A great night of sleep is an integral part of your road to success. Sleep helps you to recuperate from your day and prepares you for the next day. A well rested person works at peak performance and is much more productive in working toward their goals!

Lesley Munchrath, Life Style Mentor and Successful Entrepreneur, is helping many become the next success story. Whether you're looking to create an extra few thousand dollars per month, be an ex-corporate executive, or the next millionaire Mom, Lesley can assist you to create a second stream of income and greater peace of mind. For more information visit : Financial and Time Freedom

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Monday, July 14, 2008

The Formula That Changes Everything

By Jack Canfield

It seems that everywhere you turn these days, you hear people talking about the economy.

What's interesting is that some people are scared to death about it, while others couldn't be happier. While I don't claim to be an economist, I do know one important fact. The economy is the same for everyone, it's how you respond to it that determines how you feel about it.

It's yet another example of what I've been teaching for years. . .

E + R = O
(Events + Responses = Outcome)

The basic idea is that every outcome you experience in life (whether it's success or failure, wealth or poverty, wellness or illness, intimacy or estrangement, joy or frustration) is the result of how you have responded to an earlier event (or events) in your life.

If you don't like the outcomes you are currently experiencing, there are two basic choices you can make:

1.) You can blame the event (E) for your lack of results (O).

In other words, you can blame the economy, the weather, the lack of money, lack of education, racism, gender bias, the current administration in Washington, your wife or husband, your boss's attitude, the lack of support, and so on.

If you're a golfer, you've probably even blamed your clubs!

No doubt all these factors exist, but if they were the deciding factor, nobody would ever succeed. For every reason it's not possible, there are hundreds of people who have faced the same circumstances and succeeded.

It's not the external conditions and circumstances that stop you -- it's you!

We think limiting thoughts and engage in self-defeating behaviors. We defend our self-destructive habits (such as drinking and smoking) with indefensible logic.

We ignore useful feedback, fail to continuously educate ourselves and learn new skills, waste time on the trivial aspects of our lives, engage in idle gossip, eat unhealthy food, fail to exercise, spend more than we make, fail to tell the truth, don't ask for what we want, and then wonder why our lives aren't working.

2.) You can instead simply change your responses (R) to the events (E) until you get the outcomes (O) you want.

You can change your thinking, change your communication, change the pictures and you hold in your head (your images of the world) and you can change your behavior (the things you do.) That's all you really have any control over anyway.

Unfortunately, most of us are so run by our habits that we never change our behavior. We get stick in out conditioned responses-to our spouses and children, to our colleagues at work, to our customers and our clients, to our students, and to the world at large.

You have to gain control of your thoughts, your images, your dreams and daydreams, and your behavior.

Everything you think, say, and do needs to become intentional and aligned with your purpose, your values, and your goals.

If you don't like your outcomes, change your responses.

Here's an example of how this works:

Do you remember the Northridge earthquake in 1994? I do! I lived through it in Los Angeles. Two days later I watched as CNN interviewed people commuting to work, The earthquake had damaged one of the main freeways leading into the city. Traffic was at a standstill, and what was normally a 1-hour drive had become a 2-3 hour drive.

The CNN reporter knocked on the window of one of the cars stuck in traffic and asked the driver how he was doing.

He responded, angrily, "I hate California. First there were fires, then floods, and now an earthquake! No matter what time I leave in the morning, I'm late for work. I can't believe it!"

Then the Reporter knocked on the window of the car behind him and asked the driver the same question. This driver was all smiles.

He replied "It's no problem. I left my house at five am. I don't think under the circumstances my boss can ask for more than that. I have lots of music and Spanish-language tapes with me. I've got my cell phone. Coffee in a thermos, my lunch-I even have a book to read. I'm fine."

Now, if the earthquake or the traffic were really the deciding variables, then everyone should have been angry. But everyone wasn't.

It was their individual response to the traffic that gave them their particular outcome. It was thinking negative thoughts or positive thoughts, leaving the house prepared or leaving the house unprepared that made the difference. It was all a matter of attitude and behavior that created their completely different experiences.

If we all experience the same EVENT, the OUTCOME you get will be totally dependent upon your RESPONSE to the situation.

If you want to take control of how you respond to life, you'll start noticing that your outcomes will be more along the lines of what you have always hoped. Remember, you control your destiny so make it a fantastic one!

© 2008 Jack Canfield

You can, as long as you include this complete statement with it: Jack Canfield, America's Success Coach, is the founder and co-creator of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul and a leading authority on Peak Performance. If you're ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get your FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at:

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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Exercise Your Way To Success

By Lesley Munchrath

Physical Fitness is a vital element to ensuring Personal Success. Exercise is important to keep both your body and mind functioning at peak performance levels. In order to keep your mind clear and ready, it is important that you are physically active every day. This activity provides many benefits.

Exercise and regular physical activity leads to better health. What is the importance of better health? Less down time because of illness! When you are putting regular exercise as a priority you strengthen your immune system which in turn makes less sick time away from reaching your goals.

Physical activity leads to increased energy. How does that make sense? To increase my energy I should expend it? It’s true. By making time for daily physical activity or exercise, your body begins to burn calories more efficiently. More efficient burning of your calories leads to increased energy levels. Increased energy levels leads to clearer thinking and better performance.

Regular exercise through weight training leads to greater muscle mass. Greater muscle mass leads to higher metabolism. As previously mentioned increased metabolism increases your energy and allows you higher ability to focus on Success. Another important aspect to daily physical activity is the break from your daily work schedule. Taking a break, especially a break toward health greatly increases your productivity as you give your mind a break as well. I find that it is after I have given my mind a break that the greatest ideas take flight. What better way to reduce your stress then by an activity that improves your health.

One more significant result from daily physical activity is the effect it can have on your own feelings of self esteem. Self esteem is not only reached through your changed physical appearance but also through your accomplishments by following through on your fitness goals.

So, I know the benefits of regular activity – how do I fit it into my schedule? The great thing about exercise is that you do not have to fit it in all at once! You can break it up in smaller pieces throughout the day. If you are physically active at work – that counts too. There are many ideas to including physical activity into your routine.

Take a walk during your lunch break. What better way to take a break than a half hour power walk? Clear your mind and burn calories at the same time. Not only will you feel good about meeting your fitness goals but your mind will feel much clearer for the rest of your afternoon.

Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator whenever possible. If you are on a high level floor – take a couple of flights of stairs then take the elevator the rest of the way. Take it both up and down and you’ll notice a difference very quickly. If you work in an office building, deliver messages in person instead of by email or inter-office mail. Not only do you fit in your physical activity – you can see the people you are working with. Do you print a lot of items? Walk and get each item as it is printed instead of waiting until several items are in your printer.

Have fun while you plan your physical activity. Plan a night out on the town of dancing with your friends. Find a training partner to weight train with or walking partner to keep you on track. Keeping fit with a partner is not only fun, it helps to increase your own motivation toward continuing with your fitness goals.

Regular exercise is an integral part to your success. Not only can it improve your physical fitness, it also improves your mental peak performance. As a great bonus you can even increase your social network. There are many benefits to consistent attention to physical activity not the least of which is increased productivity!

Lesley Munchrath, Life Style Mentor and Successful Entrepreneur, is helping many become the next success story. Whether you're looking to create an extra few thousand dollars per month, be an ex-corporate executive, or the next millionaire Mom, Lesley can assist you to create a second stream of income and greater peace of mind. For more information visit : Financial and Time Freedom

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Friday, July 11, 2008

Be Professional

By Mike Cosentino

In high school, I took a computer class. Part of taking the course was dressing for success. One day out of every week the instructor had us dress as if we were at work in an office. This was getting us ready for the work world and showing us how to be professional.

When we are going out and talking to people about our business or if we are hosting an in-home where people are coming to our home and we are telling people about our business we should always dress for success.

However, dressing for success is not the only way to be professional. When we are talking on the phone we also have to be professional. The way we talk to potential customers has to make them feel we are professional people they should trust with their business. Understanding this and working on this aspect of your sales call is part of your self-personal development plan.

You should always smile when you are talking on the phone. While it may not sound like much, this is one of those personal development tips that can go a long way. Believe it or not, people can tell if you are not smiling on the phone. Just adding a smile will make you sound more friendly and upbeat. You wouldn’t have become part of the business if the person that talked to you was rude and hard to get along with.

Not only how we talk but what we say is also important. Always use your manners. If the potential customer is saying something, don’t cut them off. They are the reason you are there and you are trying to make them happy enough to try your company. If they do, then your business has become more successful. Be polite and courteous. It will pay off in the end.

Most people like southern hospitality because people in the south are kind and courteous They respect each other and go out of their way to make the other person happy. Use this in your business. Go above and beyond the call of duty to make sure you are professional to each and every person you talk to. Even if you are not talking about your business be polite to people. You never know where your next customer will come from.

Always present yourself as a professional. If you want to be respected, you must respect other people. You can take a rude approach but you will be out of business before you get started. Why take that risk. Be professional from the start and you won’t have to worry about failing or having a reputation as a mean business owner.

You hear those advertisements that say you can work from home in your pajamas all day and earn an income with one of many new direct sales companies that are home based. This is fine as long as when you are talking to potential customers on the phone you are being professional in what you are saying and how you are saying it.

Mike Cosentino is a professional development expert, entrepreneur, and a top sales trainer read more of his topics or subscribe to his free newsletter at

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Attitude is Everything

By Paul J Meyer

Is Your Life A Runaway Train?

Does it seem like something or someone else is in charge of your life? If you think so, you might be right!

Early in my insurance career I recruited some incredibly gifted and talented people, but as I used to say, "He looks good in uniform, but he can't bat."

The problem with so many people today is that they have either been programmed with or have developed a negative mental attitude. In fact, what you have become and where you are in your present life can all be traced back to a first cause: the choices you made as a result of your dominating thoughts and attitude.

So if your life feels like a runaway train, there is a very good reason. The thoughts that have gone on inside your mind have finally materialized on the outside, forming the particulars of the life you are now experiencing.

Simply put, if you have a negative mental attitude you cannot produce a satisfying life!

Most people are busy trying to either change their circumstances or other people to make their life more comfortable and rewarding. But the problem is within. You may attain a college degree; surround yourself with influential friends; or enjoy a famous family name. But if your mind is filled with negative thoughts and a flawed attitude those attainments or advantages will not produce the success and happiness you seek.

It might help to think of your mind as the software in a computer. If your software or mind is full of doubt, fear, and "can't do," then no matter how hard you try, you're only going to produce a product or a life that replicates those negative beliefs.

In other words, if I closely observe your life, I have an incredibly accurate picture of what you have been thinking!

I'm sure we've all heard stories about people who grew up in less than desirable situations; some may even have been abused or abandoned. And yet they found a way to overcome, to put themselves in the record book in many instances. What did they do? They put themselves through a complete attitude overhaul! They changed the data in their software, developed an I-will-not-be-denied-attitude and, as a result, they produced a different life.

When I was a young man I grew up around the fruit orchards of what is now called the Silicon Valley in California. Though I picked fruit, I purposed in my heart I would not do that forever. My attitude pulled me toward another type of life. I simply refused to be dispirited, discouraged, or destroyed.

As a result, over time, the outside part of my life lined up with the inside!

It's up to you to take the steps to change your thoughts, your attitude. You don't have to be controlled by the words that may have been spoken over you as a child, or by the words you continue to speak over yourself.

You can start today by listening to the thoughts that swirl in your mind and eventually come out of your mouth. When you speak out doubt, fear, and negativity, you reap a life that reflects just that. What you think about becomes the words you speak, and the words you speak become the actions you take, and the actions you take determine your life!

So as you can see, having the right attitude isn't just important...


Paul J. Meyer, best-selling New York Times author, multi-millionaire, and founder of the Success Motivation Institute, has utilized the power of attitude. His powerful book, Attitude Is Everything, is available at or

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Traveling the Highway of Success

By Paul J. Meyer

Most people are traveling the wide smooth road. Can you guess which one that is? Are YOU on it?

The popular thing to conclude in today's society is that if you aren't getting what you want out of life, it must be someone else's fault. The idea that you have any personal responsibility in the process has literally never occurred to far too many people.

In fact, during the last 30 years I've observed the concepts of individual freedom, initiative, and personal responsibility have all but become obsolete in the vast majority of people's minds. Self-reliance and self motivation are simply being bred out of people at an alarming rate!

Whose job is it to supply your needs?

Many now look to the government as the provider of what they need. And if you are the least bit savvy about what has happened to our Social Security system alone, you are aware there is no safe "lock box" of funds that have been set aside to support you when you are older. All the funds being collected today are being used up along the way!

If you were able to save and invest for your own future, rather than the government handling things, you would be light years ahead monetarily as you approached your golden years. Having the government take a portion of your money and invest it for you is like receiving a blood transfusion by taking the blood out of your left arm and spilling half of it as it is on the way to your right arm!

In addition to wanting the government to supply their needs, people insist the companies they work for supply their health care, their life insurance, a pension, and a guaranteed income. Raises are expected periodically even if their performance is poor. And should there be any talk of "letting them go" certain government agencies can step in and cry discrimination.

Whatever happened to self-reliance?

Somewhere along the way, a majority of people began to believe that their life was someone else's job. Values of self-accomplishment and self-determination were relegated to the dusty pages of the "way it used to be." Instead of becoming self reliant, it has become easier to put all our energies into:

* Blaming others
* Reliving past failures
* Repeating past mistakes

The truth is that your present life is no one else's fault but yours! True, sometimes circumstances can be presented that are not of our doing, but how we respond to those circumstances are entirely our decision.

And understanding your past failures, acknowledging your negative conditions, and admitting your weaknesses have only one purpose. They are merely indicators of where you need to start now on your journey to success. They only become significant if you fail to learn from them.

Whose hands hold the answer?

The answer is in your hands and no one else's. Your willingness to step up to the plate and take responsibility for your own life is the way out and the way up. As the great philosopher Plato said, "Take charge of your life. You can do with it what you will."

If you don't, you will live a meager life at best. No government, no company, no other person is going to provide you with enough for a good life. You'll merely scrape by, and in the process you'll have no self-esteem, no sense of accomplishment, and few of the material goods that make life more satisfying.

Only YOU are responsible for what you can become! Only you can decide if you want to continue on The Boulevard to Failure, the road traveled by most as it is wide and smooth and requires minimum effort and provides little satisfaction.

Or you can travel The Highway to Success which is often uphill, rocky, and bumpy. The Success Highway demands you grow, learn, and apply yourself. You have to use your initiative, your imagination, and your determination to set and attain goals. You have to be willing to learn:

* Who you are
* Where you are going
* How you are going to get there

But oh the rewards! So worth the journey! So worth the effort! The only true freedom stems from your willingness to be, become, have, and achieve. While you may not be able to change the whole world, you can change yourself; and in that process lead a more fulfilling and dynamic life.

In the words of George Elliot, "It's never too late to be what you might have been." It's all up to YOU!

Paul J. Meyer, best-selling New York Times author and founder of the Success Motivation Institute has written 24 full-length programs plus numerous books on attitude, motivation, goal setting, management, leadership, and time management. Visit for more resources.

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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Is Success Financial?

By J Finnis

People look at high-flying bankers, doctors, lawyers etc and say: "isn't s/he successful". These guys have reached the pinnacle of their chosen careers and no-doubt enjoy the trappings of fine homes, fast cars and extravagant lifestyles.

Again people look at the homeless, the poor and the otherwise suffering. Perhaps they evoke our sympathy, or we may look down on or even despise them. Whatever, they seem to occupy a position diametrically opposite to "success".

But do they? What is the REAL reason for our earthly existence? Is it material wealth, or something much deeper?

Where will the banker and the vagabond be in 100 years time (a minuscule period in the lifespan of the universe)? They'll both be in the same place. Their physical bodies will be under a pile of earth, and more importantly their true, Spiritual, selves will be back home. And they'll carry with them not their material acquisitions, but their experiences and the knowledge gained from these.

Money is not the reason for our existence. Money is very important, but only until we have a roof over our head and enough to cover our basic living costs. Beyond this it's irrelevant, at best a distraction and at worst detrimental.

In this light can we really say that the doctor or lawyer are more successful than the pauper or the retard? Or even vice versa? I think not, for each travels his destined path with his success or otherwise being determined not by the size of his bank account but by the growth of his soul.

Johnny Finnis is the editor of new age spirituality - exploring the idea that this life, this world, is not the totality of our existence. In fact, it might be just one small part of something much bigger, just one tiny step along an infinite journey... Have your say on our blog A Spiritual Voice

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Recipe For Success

By Monique Van Damme

What does it take to be successful?

A great question but not the easiest one to answer. I have found that the answer to that question lies in your happiness. You define your success. We each have our own understanding of success and it is based on our own goals and achievements. Being successful comes in a wide variety of ways, it doesn't have to be shown through cars or homes. It can be as great as parenting. Being a great parent is a huge success! Remember that you are the one who decides what defines success, reflect on things you are good at or worked hard at. I guarantee that you will be able to find things you are a success at. As long as you work at it, you will be successful.

You may not always be successful your first time, but failures are what you learn from. As Dr.Phil once said "Sometimes you make the right decision, sometimes you make the decision right." You can't always know what the outcome of your actions until they have played themselves out, but you can always act on those outcomes when they occur.

A recipe for success

Educate yourself. Read biographies, quotes, stories, and articles to help you learn and become motivated or inspired. Not only will it inspire you but it may give you self confidence and the belief in yourself that you needed to begin.

Forget your past. Believe in your future and learn from your past. The time to start is now, don't let yourself dwell on past failures. Remember it is the failures that taught you the most, take your knowledge and use it to your benefit.

Be happy. Enjoy what you are doing. If you are excited and passionate about it, the work isn't as hard. When times get tough it can be hard to keep going. Remember why you are doing the task and just get it done, you will feel great when you have completed it.

Think Positive. There will be ups and downs. There are challenges that you will have to face and overcome. Continue to think positive and strive on. Look into the future and see yourself overcoming the challenge then go and do it.

Stay motivated and be inspired. Motivation and inspiration can carry you a long way. Use them to help get focussed when you hit your challenges.

Stay true to yourself. Don't change who you are to be successful. Everyone has the power within themselves to make a difference, stick to who you are inside. It may seem harder at times but you WILL get there and when you do it will be more rewarding.

Be honest and realistic. Be honest with yourself and realistic about your goals for success. Start with small daily goals and accomplish them, it will be very motivating. Then move on to weekly, monthly, yearly or longer term goals.

Make a plan. Plans are necessary to break down your task and create a way that it will be achieved while fitting into your lifestyle. Break down your lifestyle and create a plan that fits into it.

Remember that anything is possible, just put your mind to it.

Monique Van Damme

Live the life you've always dreamed of. Visit for more information on achieving your desired level of happiness. Find information on goal setting, success, motivation, self confidence, personal development and dreams. Only YOU can make it happen.

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Monday, June 23, 2008

The Mindset of Success

By Matt Hefner

As human beings we all feel the need to become more than what we currently are. Whether it's getting better at our job by learning, helping someone with a problem that they are having, trying to break an old habit, trying to lose weight or looking for ways to increase our wealth.

This amazing human element is a wonderful thing because it always pushes us toward growth and keeps us looking forward to the future. If you will stop and just take a look around you will see that everyone around you has this mindset to a certain degree. They are all working towards something that they think will better their lives, we all are.

If you will, take a moment and remember back to when you were a small child. Now think about a time when there was something that you really wanted. If you were like me as a child you did not have the doubt in your mind that told you that it was impossible for you to have this "something". You only knew that you wanted it and you dwelt upon that thought. If you remember correctly, most of the time you ended up getting your "something" or something even better.

The point that I am trying to make here is that with all doubt removed anything is possible. Somehow as we grow older we lose this and begin to doubt just about everything, yet we push forward and keep trying. The fact that we are willing to keep going even with all of this doubt in our minds means that there is still hope. We just need to re-train our minds.

In order for us to be successful individuals we must believe beyond the shadow of a doubt that whatever we set out to do will actually be a success. We can no longer go into anything with an attitude of failure. I can tell you from experience that if you go in with a failure attitude you will absolutely fail every time. That being said, if you go in with an attitude of success and keep that mindset even when it gets frustrating you will absolutely be a success every time.

Let me ask you a question. Would you rather be around someone with a positive outlook on life or someone with a negative attitude who is always seeing the bad in everything? I hope you picked the person with the positive outlook. Why do we want to surround ourselves with these types of people? Because they are attractive. There is just something about them that makes us feel good.

You will do well to implement these mindset changes in your own life. I encourage you to go back to that time when you were a child whenever you are feeling doubtful or negative about something that you are trying to do. Remember that with all doubt removed anything is possible. Take on the mindset of success today. You will be amazed at where it will take you.

Copyright © Matt Hefner

Best regards Matt Hefner: To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

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Sunday, June 22, 2008

You're the Greatest

By Fred Nicklaus

When I was a child I had many sports heroes. I was born in 1957 so I was a big fan of Lombardi's Green Bay Packers of the 1960's. I can vividly remember watching each play of the famous Ice Bowl game with my father and brother. I remember sobbing painfully when I thought that my beloved Packers would lose that game and I also remember celebrating ecstatically as Bart Starr snuck into the end zone to score the winning touchdown. What a feeling!

Another hero of my early years was Cassius Clay. Many of you young people would know him as Muhammad Ali. Clay was a brazen, skillful, fast as lightning heavyweight boxer. Crowds admired him for his skills, but despised him for his bravado and cockiness. Many watched him because they wanted to see him lose.

Did you know?

Cassius Clay was a quiet, unassuming young man in his early boxing career. That would all change the night that he went to see a professional wrestling show featuring Gorgeous George. George was as loud, arrogant, and irreverent as anyone Clay had ever seen. He realized immediately that there was a certain amount of self- promotion missing from his act. Clay noticed George's display and also noticed that the arena was full to the rafters. There were 5000 people in the arena. Clay's biggest crowd to that time was 1500. That would change very soon. It was at that wrestling event that Cassius Clay became "The Greatest." Clay realized that even though he was blessed with amazing boxing skills, he would have to change his presentation and his way of thinking if he were to become the popular success that he envisioned himself to be.

You must understand that Clay/Ali was a very intelligent man and a student of the power of visualization and of positive self talk. He was who he was, as good as he was, because he gave himself permission to be and he believed strongly in the power of his visualizations.

You've all seen one or all of the Rocky movies by now. You've watched as Rocky runs up the many stairs of the Philadelphia Museum of Arts. As he reaches the top of the stairs he throws his arms into the air a symbol of triumph and his readiness to fight for the heavyweight championship of the world. What a great symbol. Any idea where the hands over head in celebration came from? You guessed it, Muhammad Ali.

"I am the Greatest"

Whether you're a champion athlete or you're an average guy or gal who has big dreams and wants to be a champion, you can kick your subconscious mind into gear by seeing yourself as a winner in whatever endeavor you want to achieve championship status in.

Here's a few tips:

1. Close your eyes and see yourself with arms raised in celebration before whatever contest you might enter. Do the work and visualize yourself winning regularly and you'll be pleasantly surprised by how often it becomes reality

2. Say the words to yourself (say them out loud)

"I will ace this test"

"I am a champion"

"I expect big things of myself"

"I will win"

3. Do it while you're looking in a mirror.

4. Do it everyday for 2-3 minutes 2-3 times per day.

This may feel a bit uncomfortable to you as you start. All good things take time. Don't give up.

Understand this reality- your subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between real and unreal. It will, however, turn your life into that which you consistently think about and focus on. Think as if you already possess the quality that you seek. Your mind is your greatest tool. Utilize it well and fill it with good thoughts and incredible goals.

You too can be "The Greatest"

Make the plan, work the plan-

Fred Nicklaus

For tips on raising more Rock Solid Kids visit for free tips on raising your child to be a leader, and for the fitness training that will sky rocket your core body strength, check out

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Saturday, June 21, 2008

How to Win

By Phillip McGough

I recently had an opportunity to hear the former coach of the Dallas Mavericks, Avery Johnson, give an excellent speech on winning. I took his topic and give it a slight spin to make it a 'how to' manual on how you can always win in life. Most people don't know where to start when they are trying to change something about themselves. I think that these ten steps can be a launching pad for how to get where you want to be.

1. Get excited! I know, it's kind of cheesy. Of course we are excited about some of the things around us. The key to this step is to always be excited, about everything. Even I will sometimes find it hard to be excited. Here's a tip: it's easy to be excited as long as you are grateful. Start by listing the things you are grateful for, like your family or your house or your dog, whatever. Once you are thankful for the things you already have, it's easy to be excited about your life.

2. Expect to win. I've said it before and I'll probably say it again, your mindset is everything! What if you are expecting to win but things are not changing. The easiest solution is to change your environment. If you want to go to the mountaintop you can't hang with people who only want to live in the valley. It will be hard to cut some of the people in your life, but remember you are the average of the five people you hang out with most. Do the people you currently keep company with have stinkin' thinkin'?

3. Eliminate bad habits that stop you from being a winner. This is actually easier than you think. You already know what sabotages your success. To push you in the right direction, make a list of two things you need to stop, two things you need to keep doing and two things you need to start doing.

4. Eliminate envy. Who are you envious of? Whether you want to admit it or not, there is someone in your life that you wish you could be them by rubbing a magic lamp. Say to yourself, "I'm next." Don't you think it's better to surround yourself with that person and encourage them, rather than roll your eyes their way every time something good happens to them? Instead pick their brains so you are prepared when you get to their level.

5. Evaluate your gifts. What can you do, right now, to better your situation? What do you love? When I asked myself this question, travel and helping people popped into my mind, hence my passion for what I do now. Do you want the money that jingles or the money that folds? I want the money that folds, how can you get some?

6. Educate yourself. Read good books. Listen to good audios. You want more income but do you want the added responsibility it would bring? The standards are higher with each step you take upwards. Is your mind ready for that step? Make it ready.

7. Strive for excellence. Be the best at what you are currently doing until you even think about moving higher. Are you stuck at your job? If you feel stuck it could mean that you are done with that challenge and ready for a new one. When you start your new challenge, don't expect to be the best right out of the gate. Take all the advice you can get and apply what you learn. By application comes domination.

8. If you don't get what you want you want to be sure you go back and try again. You may have to step back to step up. Have you ever set a goal for yourself that you didn't accomplish? I have, we all have. The key to failing is the willingness to start again. Reset your goal. The fact that you didn't hit it the first time doesn't mean that you never will. Think about it this way. If you just reset your goal, don't you think it will be easier to achieve the second time around?

9. Enjoy the ride. At the end of the day, it's all about growing and becoming a better person. Stop and smell the roses. Reward your baby steps. It's all about your journey.

10. Walk, talk, dress, think, eat and live like a winner. Act as if and people will come to know you as that person you want to be. Who do you want to be?

Ready to take your life, dreams and goals to the next level?

Then visit Phillip's website @

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Keys to Successful Employment - Professional Job Interview Tips

By James Redder

When you're looking for a new job, the job interview is for most the most nerve-wracking part of the whole process. There is an element of fear, which can make you nervous with the result being poor performance during the interview. Doing well in a job interview depends largely on being well prepared and in a good frame of mind. The job interview is the number one thing on which employers judge prospective employees; gauging whether or not the prospective hire would be capable of the duties entailed by the position. During the interview, the employer will try to get a sense of how you think and how this might apply to the position in question. This is why preparation is key - if you show up for a job interview with no idea how to deal with the demands of the job you are trying to land, then it will be no surprise if you fail to do well in the interview.

Preparing for a job interview is a two way street- as you prepare for the interview, the interviewer will also be preparing to interview you. The interviewer will usually choose some questions which are tailored to your experience and remember - you will be tested every step of the way during an interview. Try to anticipate tough questions which may be asked and prepare answers which refer back to your experience and your qualifications. Doing well in a job interview will have a lot to do with how well you can answer these sometimes tricky questions and how good of a job you can do of justifying your ability to do the job. Remember that you want to make choosing you for the job to seem like a decision which will make them look good.

Three questions you should be able to answer if asked are the old standbys "Why do you want this job?", "Why do you want to work for this company?" and "What is your current salary?". Others which are likely to be asked are about your skills, your achievements and your expectations from the position to which you are applying. Answer these questions in as much detail as you can manage and of course, honestly.

Have some examples to give along with your answers. Think carefully and choose some examples that highlight your skills and accomplishments. There are other factors which go into doing well in a job interview; for instance, try to build a rapport with your interviewer - if they enjoy talking to you, you are much more likely to get the job.

Be prepared when you walk in for a job interview. Have at least (preferably more) two copies of your resume, three references and if applicable, your portfolio. This is not just a conversation you'll be having, but you will have the opportunity to let the interviewer get to know you and make as strong of a case as possible for yourself.

One thing many interviewees forget is to have some questions prepared to ask your interviewer. Doing this will demonstrate interest in the company to your interviewer, which will be a point in your favor. Asking questions shows your interviewer that you are focused on this position and this company; your interviewer will take notice.

Don't forget to dress up. You only get on e chance to make a first impression. While you need not go overly formal, dress in as professional of a manner as you can while maintaining a relaxed demeanor. This will give you an appearance of confidence, something which interviewers look for.


To briefly sum up the themes of this article, if you want to do well in a job interview, learn a bit about the company and draw from your experience to make the strongest possible case that you are the ideal candidate for this position while displaying confidence and grace - this will ensure that you do well in any job interview.

James Redder facilitates a Job Interview website. If you liked the job interview info, why not get the powerful info that will HELP you NOW? Goto Job Interview website.

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Friday, June 20, 2008

Success Begins With Believing

By Jack Canfield

In a previous edition of Success Strategies, I talked about how in order to be successful, we must first define what success means to us, and that means getting CLEAR about what you want, writing it down, and thinking BIG!

If you are going to be successful in creating the life of your dreams, you have to believe that you are capable of making it happen. You have to believe you have the right stuff, that you are able to pull it off. You have to believe in yourself. Whether you call it self-esteem, self-confidence, or self-assurance, it is a deep-seeded belief that you have what it takes - the abilities, inner resources, talents, and skills to create your desired results.

Ultimately, you must learn to control your self-talk, eliminate any negative and limiting beliefs, and maintain a constant state of positive expectations.

Control Your Self-Talk

Researchers have found that the average person thinks as many as 50,000 thoughts a day. Sadly, many of those thoughts are negative - I'm not management material... I'll never lose weight... It doesn't matter what I do, nothing ever works out for me. This is what psychologists call victim language. Victim language actually keeps you in a victim state of mind. It is a form of self-hypnosis that lulls you into a belief that you are unlovable and incompetent.

In order to get what you want from life, you need to give up this victim language and start talking to yourself like a winner - I can do it... I know there is a solution... I am smart enough and strong enough to figure this out... Everything I eat helps me maintain my perfect body weight.

You Are Always Programming Your Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind is like the crew of a ship. You are it's captain. It is your job to give the crew orders. And when you do this, the crew takes everything you say literally. The crew (your subconscious) has no sense of humor. It just blindly follows orders. When you say, "Everything I eat goes straight to my hips," the crew hears that as an order: Take everything she eats, turn it into fat and put it on her hips. On the other hand, if you say, "Everything I eat helps me maintain my perfect body weight," the crew will begin to make that into reality by helping you make better food choices, exercise, and maintain the right metabolism rate for you body.

This power of your subconscious mind is the reason you must become very vigilant and pay careful attention to your spoken and internal statements. Unfortunately, most people don't realize they are committing negative self-talk, which is why it is best to enlist another person - your success partner - in monitoring each other's speaking. You can have a signal for interrupting each other when you use victim language.

Use Affirmations to Build Self-Confidence

One of the most powerful tools for building worthiness and self-confidence is the repetition of positive statements until they become a natural part of the way you think. These "affirmations" act to crowd out and replace the negative orders you have been sending your crew (your subconscious mind) all these years. I suggest that you create a list of 10 to 20 statements that affirm your belief in your worthiness and your ability to create the life of your dreams.

Of course, what to believe is up to you, but here are some examples of affirmations that have worked for others in the past:

I am worthy of love, joy and success.
I am smart and make wise choices.
I am loveable and capable.
I create anything I want.
I am able to solve any problem that comes my way.
I can handle anything that life hands me.
I have all the energy I need to do everything I want to do.
I am attracting all the right people into my life.

Believing in Yourself is an Attitude

Believing in yourself is a choice. It's an attitude you develop over time. It's now your responsibility to take charge of your own self-concept and your beliefs. It might help to know that the latest brain research now indicates that with enough positive self-talk and positive visualization combined with the proper training, coaching, and practice, anyone can learn to do almost anything.

You must choose to believe that you can do anything you set your mind to - anything at all - because, in fact, you can!

© 2008 Jack Canfield


You can, as long as you include this complete statement with it: Jack Canfield, America's Success Coach, is the founder and co-creator of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul and a leading authority on Peak Performance. If you're ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get your FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at:

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Planning For Your Future

By Andrea Montoya

As I meet more and more successful network marketers, it gives me a warm and secure feeling, that I am doing the right thing. I have manifested the right people to come into my life, who have come to help me be successful. When I first became involved with network marketing, I thought that it was going to be really hard to get people to listen to me. As I become more passionate about what I am doing, I realize that people are attracting to me. They are wanting to know what I am doing! They want to know how they can get involved. They don't want to hear about what I have to sell! They want to know my story, and how I can help them!

I never knew how important it was to have the right mindset. Plain and simple....If you don't have that, then you are going to fail. To condition my mind, I started listening to meditation cd's, how to get rich cd's, and reading books about how to get rich. I believe in educating myself. Not only educating myself through cd's and books, but actually talking with successful network marketers, about how they made it.

The best way to learn, is talk with the people who made it, and how they built a strong residual income for themselves! I attracted to myself, a woman that is making a six figure income, and has been doing so for over ten years. Her income allowed her to stay at home and raise her children. She is now mentoring me, to do the same. And you know what? It is actually working. I have people wanting in on what I am doing. It feels so great. I had to make sure I had the right confidence. But, what I did was, I found a company that resignated with me. Then, I did tons of research, because I cannot be passionate about something I know nothing about, or do not believe in. I like to know my stuff!

Then I surrounded myself with others doing the same thing! I meet up with my team every week to talk about our successes! We talk about our successes, including who said "no", to joining up with us! I believe that our no's are more important than our yes's. That may sound crazy, as it did to me when my best friend said that to me. She told me that it is all a number's game, and that I need to celebrate my no's because they get me closer to my yes's. I don't need to concentrate on the people who said no. Odds are....they will come back someday, and want to join. That feels good knowing that! Timing is crucial! The right time for one person, is not always the right time for another! It's good to know that in the beginning, because if not, then you could feel discouraged! So, celebrate your no's, and move on to the next person!

Developing the right mindset, staying confident, and never giving up, has brought me where I am! I am grateful for my life. I now create my life, just the way I want it!

I am a mother of two beautiful, and amazing children! We live in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado! I care deeply about other people, and love to give all that I can to help them! I want to one day give back all the greatness I have received in life! I am grateful for life's generosity to me, I am blessed!

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Celebrating Success

By Jeffrey Thomson

In today's world we get so caught up in our day to day activities and the routines of life we have a tendency to overlook all the success we have each day. We tend to view success as only a few significant events in our life such as graduating from college, getting married, our first job, our first child, our first big promotion. What happens when we achieve these goals? Or even worse what happens if we don't achieve any or some of these events? Does this mean we aren't successful or we are done being successful? All too often it does. The good news is this does not need to be the case and the reality is we experience success every day of our lives we just forget to celebrate this success. Because many of our day to day successes aren't marked with a big celebration they seem to loose their value. We do a disservice to these events and ourselves by allowing this happen. We also create feelings of failure and lack of success by not truly recognizing all that we do each day that helps to make us happy and successful. We also risk loosing momentum towards larger success by giving up on all the little steps necessary by not putting value on them.

When we put value and recognize the little progress we make each day towards our larger goal we stay more motivated and on track to ensure we achieve our fullest potential. If you want to run a marathon you don't just go out that day and run 26 miles. If you want to be a tremendous success in business you don't just wake up one morning and are running a $500 million company. Whatever you are looking to achieve in life the steps along the way and the overall mindset of success are critical. We need to celebrate each days success and build on it for the next day and begin to create a true mindset of success. We need to start thinking of ourselves as successful and then live into that reality. We do create our own reality and by thinking we are a success or thinking we are not that is exactly what we are.

I know all of this sounds great on paper and seems easy to do but how do we implement it into our lives and how do we make both the celebration and the act itself a habit thus ensuring greater success? The good news is that is the easy part we just need to be diligent in our efforts. The easiest way to start is to spend a few moments at the end of each day and write down 3-5 successes you had that day. You may be saying to yourself I don't have that many successes each day. First that is probably not true, you just aren't recognizing everything as a success. Second the number doesn't really matter the habit of spending some time each day and recognizing even a few events that were a success each day will build and before you know it you will have more. The number will also grow because you know at the end of each day you will be holding yourself accountable for your accomplishments. In addition you can start small and watch the list grow and expand in depth. Let me give a few examples that may help you get started: I got of the house by 7:30 am to be at the office on time, I committed to being at my sons/daughters baseball game and I made it, I ran 3 miles today, I did my morning walk, I finished the report for work, I followed up with my large account today, I didn't eat that donut that was in the coffee break room in the office. As you can see you can use many different aspects of your life to gauge your little daily successes. You can include work, family, personal, health, business, spiritual whatever you feel you wanted to achieve in a given day and were successful in accomplishing that is a success.

Success is a habit and by realizing just how successful we are each day in our lives we realize just how successful we are as individuals and start forming that habit. Good luck each day and congratulations on your success.

Bio: Jeffrey Thomson is a mentor and business coach with LifePath Unlimited and building a successful online business. I am student of personal development and truly believe that our inner world creates our outer world and by building and maintaining a positive mindset we can create our own level of success.

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Success – A Simple Way To Achieve It Now

By Sacha Tarkovsky

Even the word itself, ‘success’ carries both strong emotions and the shroud of mystery. What is success anyway, and how can one achieve it.

For most people in the world, success has become to mean a level of financial security, along with notoriety and the conviction that one’s tomorrow will be as secure or more than one’s yesterday.

This concept of success is shallow however, as just earning money and being somehow famous does not qualify anyone as a success.

Success is rather, a level of self-confidence that whatever a person does will be achieved in a proficient, honest, and skillful manner.

Should money and / or fame come with it, so much the better.

Down on Your Luck

Many people feel success eludes them as they are down on their luck. Nothing is father from the truth. Luck is nothing more that your state of preparation meeting opportunity.

If you are not ready when an opportunity comes, you cannot seize it, and it passes you by. Most people blame it on bad luck. Its not so.

If you are in some sort of down cycle, you must examine yourself. Ask yourself ‘why’ , and try and see what opportunities passed you by. Were you ready for them?

Turning the Situation Around

If you desire real success, you must be committed to the idea.

Do not look at other people who seemingly have success as a constant companion.

Their stories may reveal (and often do) down periods, bad luck scenarios, and downright failure episodes.

Rather, look to yourself only, determine with the simple steps below what you need to be doing to turn your situation around.

Simple Steps to Reverse a Negative Trend in Your Life

If you have had enough of failure, and wish to turn a negative trend in your life to a positive one, you must first establish the foundation for the positive to have a hold on your life. Follow these easy steps:

1. Banish all negative thoughts from your mind. Replace them with their opposite or positive ones. Let this be a mental exercise if nothing else, but do not harbor any negative thoughts

2. Do some small positive action, without being prompted to. Share even a small bit of your limited resources with someone else who is unfortunate.

3. Create, if you must, a situation where you can achieve even the smallest of victories. Reward yourself thereafter, and then,

4. Move from one easy victory to another, but each with a greater challenge.

Simple Victories To Triumphs

This technique, used throughout the ages by many successful people always works. By beginning with easy and achievable victories, you create also in your mind a positive attitude and a trend begins.

This trend acts as support for your willingness to attempt greater victories and challenges. Chances are you will begin to feel different about yourself in no time.

This one fact alone opens the door for success to come in to you.

Remember, you must follow the 4 steps above without deviation.

Give them a sincere try, and you will see both your "luck" returning and success beckoning to you join in. Your natural state is positive, is successful and is lucky.

You only have to start remembering it.


On all aspects of self improvement and success visit our website for a huge resource of articles, features and downloads and at

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Friday, June 13, 2008

The First Two Steps to Success

By Tamara Dorris

Having a coaching business for real estate agents requires me to constantly speak to and study the top producers in that industry—and I’m not complaining. I learn more from every telephone interview I conduct and I know that most of the real nuggets can be applied to success in virtually any industry. In fact, I’ve identified the six areas of excellence that most top producers possess. And, please understand, this isn’t pie-in-the-sky information that I pulled out of my hat, hoping someone would buy something I’m selling. This is statistically sound data, translated in a way that anyone can apply. Here we’ll discuss the first two critical steps that you begin to work on immediately.

1. CLEAR GOALS. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times: it is impossible to get where you’re going if you don’t have an address. It’s like telling me you plan on driving across the country but you don’t have a map. Please. Luck and chance are fine when you’re gambling at the casino or betting on horses (foolish, but fine), but in this thing called your life, are you willing to just end up where you end up without a say in where that is? I sure hope not! In working with agents and lenders who are trying to get their game on, the first thing I have them do is decide what it is they really want. Too many people get into sales because they think it’s easy money. Well, if your values are in alignment with your goals, then yep, it is pretty easy. However, most folks wouldn’t know their values if they hit them in the head. If you know your values---what really makes your heart sing---and then attach clear and specific goals (dreams with deadlines) to them, you are about 100 times ahead of the masses. Move to the front of the class.

2. ENERGY. I’m not going to belabor this one because it happens to be the one that people least like to hear. But let’s just face the facts: you require energy; mental and physical, in order to perform. In fact, in my most recent book I tell real estate agents, "You can’t sell any houses when you’re dead." Literally, it’s impossible. You think you have trouble closing a deal now? Try it from your grave. Not happening. Having written two health books several years ago, I noticed one thing to be true: only sick people came to my book signings and seminars. In other words, no one much cares about health until they lose it. I know and understand this concept; I was sick and nearly died and didn’t want to ever get that close to death’s door again (at least not until I am much older). At any rate, your body won’t function properly (or maybe not at all) if you don’t care for it.

We pour tons of poisonous, toxic food and chemicals in our bodies, and we absorb even more from our environment. As I said, I won’t belabor this anymore, but suffice it to say that if your body and mind are not sharp, you won’t be the one to get the deal or the promotion. At least not for too long. Any top producer knows his health and his energy are his most important assets. You cannot leap buildings, court prospects and close deals if you barely have the energy to digest that double-bubble cheese burger from McWherever!

Please stay tuned….the next steps to excellence are available for your reading pleasure!

Tamara Dorris, MA is an author, coach and adjunct professor. She specializes in working with real estate agents at to help them become top producers.

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Success & A Positive Mental Attitude

By Bryan Tuck

When building a home based business or otherwise, a positive mental attitude is essential in the success of your business. Positive in the fact that you now have your destiny, so to speak, in your hands. The amount of money you receive is completely up to you, your actions, your attitude and your state of mind. This can become overwhelming at times and can cause a break in confidence if things are not going according to plan.

How does one keep a positive mental attitude when working a running a home based business?

Optimists are better able to handle the daily stresses that comes with running a business. They have an ability to handle the stress rather then allowing the stress to handle them. They will achieve more and are able to do it more effectively. Which in turn multiplies their results.

There is a great saying..."Whether you think you can or you think you can''re right". And your thought patterns will attract like people. If you are a positive person you will attract positive people.

Positive people are easy to spot. They are outgoing, vibrant, full of energy and willing to give of themselves freely without expecting anything in return.

Negative people are, well...just the opposite. Picture a cloud hanging over a persons head.

For those recently involved with a direct selling company or a home based business opportunity you will want to make sure that you learn to build a business with a positive mental attitude and take decisive action. These two fundamental principals are what will drive your business through to success.

Keep affirming to yourself daily how deserving you are to be successful, how you will be the best at what everything you set your mind to and that you will only attract like-minded people and achieve the results that you have planned for. As a leader you take action to build your business on a daily basis.

What motivates you? Question yourself about why you are doing what you are doing and why you want your business to succeed. Put together your top 10 list of reason why and post it in a visible location so you see it in the morning and before you go to bead at night and read them out loud.

Reading these affirmations every day, twice a day, will affirm in you your reasons for becoming an entrepreneur and provide you with the motivation to continue on even through tough times.

Maintaining a proper mental attitude is essential to building a successful business whether an online home based business or brick and mortar. Positive thinking and a positive attitude will attract like-minded people and propel you and your business to greater heights.

Copyright (c) 2008 Bryan Tuck

Bryan Tuck is an internet entrepreneur with 15 years experience building a successful business from the comfort of his own home. Bryan Tuck 866-274-5973

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Success is a Choice

By Audie Perove

Success is a Choice*** The freedom of choice, we all posses it and have the God given right to it.*** We have all heard the phrase Thoughts Become Things. Whatever it is that we want from life is always a thought first before it can become a reality.***
The one attribute that would make the difference in either success or failure in any given situation is the choice of changing our thoughts. For example let's use our financial positions. We need to get started on the right path of choosing our thoughts if we want to improve our financial situation. If we do not change our thinking we can never hope to reach our goal. What most of us fail to recognize is that we must first change our inner thoughts about our financial position, before the outward change will begin to happen?***

By making the decision to choose good healthy thoughts about money and finances, we are pointed in the right direction towards improvement. Too many times through our own failure to use this gift, we have been made slaves to the very thing we have wanted to avoid.***

We can easily think that we are in "bad times" and that is the way it is. True we can not control external conditions and situations, the only thing we can control are our thoughts. We have to know that it is up to us what thoughts we are going to choose. Soon you will begin to find that the conditions are not changing, we are. Prosperous thoughts will bring about prosperous results.***

There is nothing wrong with being thrifty but when we constantly have thoughts of lack by saying to ourselves "I can't afford it" over and over you will have gone through your life never being able to afford it. A better thought would be "I will buy it or I can afford that I just choose not to buy it right now". This way we are building the thoughts of expectancy and hope. It is very important not to ever destroy our hope. When hope is destroyed what is created is a life of difficulty and constant disappointment.***

Success in mastering our thoughts will take practice and conscious effort at first. When we choose good thoughts, ones that will assist us and not harm us, it will become effortless and a way of life. Dwell daily on thoughts and ideas that are uplifting. Invite all that is good into our lives. One mistake would be to merely wish and hope that success will find us. We have to be willing to take an outer action to attain the success. By doing so our confidence will soar as will our peace of mind and a sense of calmness will abound. Our life will be interesting and worthwhile.***

The most important thing in life is Life. We must care for it to the best of our ability. Choosing to be successful will afford us the quality of life that we desire. By selecting the correct thoughts we will create for ourselves the life that we truly want and deserve. Are you ready to turn failures into successes and fill your life with joy?***

There is no time like the present, it is totally up to us when we begin to journey on the road to success.***

"One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes. In the long run, we shape our lives and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And, the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility." Eleanor Roosevelt***

Audie Perove, Life Style Mentor and Successful Entrepreneur, is helping many become the next success story. Whether you're looking to create an extra few thousand dollars per month, be an ex-corporate executive, or the next millionaire Mom, Perove can assist you to create a second stream of income and greater peace of mind. For more information visit : Wealth Beyond Reason

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Preparation is the Key to Certain Success

By Audie Perove

Countless men have failed in life because they were not ready when their best chances for success occurred. Some of these golden opportunities slipped away unrecognized. Others, though perceived, could not be grasped. The men to whom they were presented had not prepared to hold and implement these chances whenever they arrived.

If you desire to make your success a certainty, then be in a state of preparedness, if an opportunity should arise. If you are thoroughly prepared when the circumstance presents itself you will regard it quickly, realize its full value, and seize it with complete confidence.

Before you seek the opportunity that you desire, be sure of your entire readiness. It would be to your advantage to wait a little while for certain success than to rush unready into the field of your choice, risking the likelihood of failure that could be prevented by intelligent preparation to succeed. Your preparation for certain success must be two-fold. You need to prepare yourself in ability first to perceive; then to appreciate the full value of what you see. Golden opportunities are all around you. If you do not recognize them, or if you minimize the value in the signs of rich chances to succeed, you will actualize failure because of your lack of being prepared.

Many a farmer in Oklahoma cursed his "bad luck" after he sold a farm on which a gusher was later discovered. The fact is the oil was always there. The "luckless" farmer simply did not perceive the indications of wealth under his plodding feet; or if he saw signs of oil, he did not realize that they denoted the possibility of millions.

Developing perception can be broadened almost immeasurably. The physical eye, if normal and thoroughly trained, is fitted to be "all seeing." So can your mind be made capable of the widest vision over all the fields of possible opportunity? Some are within your present mental view, others you can see only after going farther or climbing higher in knowledge and personal development. The biggest possibilities of success cannot be comprehended in their entirety by narrowed mental sight.

The first essential element of preparation to succeed is that you open your eyes fully, and look all around you for the opportunities within range of your vision. There are so many close at hand that your search would better begin right where you are. Even if eventually you choose to widen your horizons for the best chance to succeed, do so with thorough knowledge of what is adjacent to you. Before you leave your present environment, have an intelligent conviction that you are capable of a larger or different success than is to be found within your immediate reach. Also see and comprehend the unique challenges you will find close at hand. It does not always pay to remain in "the old home town." Often a young person needs to go to a community of strangers to gain appreciation of his or her ability. It is likely to be hard for them to win success among people who knew them as a child and who still regards them as immature. They may find it much easier to succeed in a new environment. Your preparation for all the possibilities of success should be similarly varied and adaptable; though you will be wise to specialize, in addition, by making more detailed preparation for the career of your choice. At age twenty the average person usually does not know for what they are best suited. They may not be sure even at age thirty. The start toward eventual success has often been delayed until middle life.

While preparing yourself for success, keep your mental eyes wide open. Perceive any and all circumstances about you. Be in the state of awareness, for when the right fit presents itself you will be ready to take action an ultimately succeed.

Audie Perove, Life Style Mentor and Successful Entrepreneur, is helping many become the next success story. Whether you're looking to create an extra few thousand dollars per month, be an ex-corporate executive, or the next millionaire Mom, Perove can assist you to create a second stream of income and greater peace of mind. For more information visit : Wealth Beyond Reason

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