Saturday, June 21, 2008

How to Win

By Phillip McGough

I recently had an opportunity to hear the former coach of the Dallas Mavericks, Avery Johnson, give an excellent speech on winning. I took his topic and give it a slight spin to make it a 'how to' manual on how you can always win in life. Most people don't know where to start when they are trying to change something about themselves. I think that these ten steps can be a launching pad for how to get where you want to be.

1. Get excited! I know, it's kind of cheesy. Of course we are excited about some of the things around us. The key to this step is to always be excited, about everything. Even I will sometimes find it hard to be excited. Here's a tip: it's easy to be excited as long as you are grateful. Start by listing the things you are grateful for, like your family or your house or your dog, whatever. Once you are thankful for the things you already have, it's easy to be excited about your life.

2. Expect to win. I've said it before and I'll probably say it again, your mindset is everything! What if you are expecting to win but things are not changing. The easiest solution is to change your environment. If you want to go to the mountaintop you can't hang with people who only want to live in the valley. It will be hard to cut some of the people in your life, but remember you are the average of the five people you hang out with most. Do the people you currently keep company with have stinkin' thinkin'?

3. Eliminate bad habits that stop you from being a winner. This is actually easier than you think. You already know what sabotages your success. To push you in the right direction, make a list of two things you need to stop, two things you need to keep doing and two things you need to start doing.

4. Eliminate envy. Who are you envious of? Whether you want to admit it or not, there is someone in your life that you wish you could be them by rubbing a magic lamp. Say to yourself, "I'm next." Don't you think it's better to surround yourself with that person and encourage them, rather than roll your eyes their way every time something good happens to them? Instead pick their brains so you are prepared when you get to their level.

5. Evaluate your gifts. What can you do, right now, to better your situation? What do you love? When I asked myself this question, travel and helping people popped into my mind, hence my passion for what I do now. Do you want the money that jingles or the money that folds? I want the money that folds, how can you get some?

6. Educate yourself. Read good books. Listen to good audios. You want more income but do you want the added responsibility it would bring? The standards are higher with each step you take upwards. Is your mind ready for that step? Make it ready.

7. Strive for excellence. Be the best at what you are currently doing until you even think about moving higher. Are you stuck at your job? If you feel stuck it could mean that you are done with that challenge and ready for a new one. When you start your new challenge, don't expect to be the best right out of the gate. Take all the advice you can get and apply what you learn. By application comes domination.

8. If you don't get what you want you want to be sure you go back and try again. You may have to step back to step up. Have you ever set a goal for yourself that you didn't accomplish? I have, we all have. The key to failing is the willingness to start again. Reset your goal. The fact that you didn't hit it the first time doesn't mean that you never will. Think about it this way. If you just reset your goal, don't you think it will be easier to achieve the second time around?

9. Enjoy the ride. At the end of the day, it's all about growing and becoming a better person. Stop and smell the roses. Reward your baby steps. It's all about your journey.

10. Walk, talk, dress, think, eat and live like a winner. Act as if and people will come to know you as that person you want to be. Who do you want to be?

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