Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sleep Your Way to Success

By Lesley Munchrath

Sleep is an essential element in personal success. A good night’s sleep is important to your general health and your ability to be effective throughout the day. How much sleep is adequate, most researchers quote seven to eight hours of sleep as sufficient. There are many benefits to making sure you are getting adequate sleep.

A good night’s sleep leads to overall improved functioning. Sleep provides the body with time to repair itself from the damage it has been through from the day before. Adequate sleep supplies you with a fully functioning mind and body that has had time to fully repair itself from the day before. A fully functioning mind and body means greater focus and productivity when working toward your success goals.

Sleep is also important in decreasing your risk of effects such as obesity, diseases, infections and diabetes. I am sure you can recall a time when adequate sleep was out of your reach and as you became more fatigued your body began to respond in the same way. A fatigued body has a much more difficult time of fighting off infections.

Another significant factor in arguing for adequate sleep is the amazing effects it can have on your skin. Better sleep leads to better skin. Not only does your skin improve, you can also regulate your weight more easily when you are getting your seven to eight hours of sleep in a night.

I know it’s important to get adequate sleep for peak performance but how do I do it? Here are a few tips to assist you in having a great night’s sleep.

One of the best ways to ensure regular sleep is to institute a regular calming bedtime routine. It is important to avoid distractions such as television before going to bed. An alternative to watching television may be to have a hot shower or bath. Incorporate activities that help you wind down from the day such as drinking decaffeinated tea. Even the computer and television can be described as stimulants so steer clear of them about two hours before bedtime.

Another important step to having a great night’s sleep is to ensure a dark quiet room. As well as adjusting the light and noise you want to make sure the temperature is comfortable even on the cooler side. Your environment should be well controlled so as not to have too many extremes.

Make sure you keep away from eating large meals just before bedtime. Large meals can stimulate your digestive system which can disturb your sleep. Small snacks are absolutely okay, especially if you are diabetic – just make sure your snacks are small and healthy.

Another vital step to improved sleep is to steer clear of strenuous exercise about two to three hours before bedtime. Exercise can raise your body temperature making you uncomfortable and causing difficulty falling asleep. The key is to find relaxing activities to do before bedtime.

An absolutely essential step to your bedtime routine must include staying away from caffeine, nicotine or other stimulants within about four hours of your bedtime. For what appears to be obvious reasons, avoiding stimulants will help your body to relax when you are ready to go to bed.

Use your bed for sleeping. Your bed is not the place for your laptop or a card game of solitaire, remind your body and your brain that your bed is there for sleep. Also keep your bedroom free of clutter. I know this is sometimes difficult to do as your bedroom tends to be the "dumping ground" for things that have nowhere else to go. Try to keep from piling them in your bedroom so you are relaxed when you enter your sleeping place. Make sure your sheets are clean. Nothing better than nice clean and crisp sheets for a great night’s sleep.

Finally, make sure you are comfortable in your pyjamas (or not if you decide none is better). Make sure you use cotton or another breathable material –right down to your underwear. Natural material is best as you are less likely to overheat.

A great night of sleep is an integral part of your road to success. Sleep helps you to recuperate from your day and prepares you for the next day. A well rested person works at peak performance and is much more productive in working toward their goals!

Lesley Munchrath, Life Style Mentor and Successful Entrepreneur, is helping many become the next success story. Whether you're looking to create an extra few thousand dollars per month, be an ex-corporate executive, or the next millionaire Mom, Lesley can assist you to create a second stream of income and greater peace of mind. For more information visit : Financial and Time Freedom

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

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