Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Successful Living

By Shane Hunte

Successful living is exactly what the phrase implies and that is living as if you are already a success. It is amazing how this simple little technique can work wonders in your life as it magnetically pulls your desires seemingly out of mid air to become your reality.

Yes - as you live your success in each and every step you take and as you believe without a doubt that you already have what you want - it will come true. But it is important that you believe it will. You don't need to concentrate on anything other than to discipline your belief system.

You will suddenly be struck by an idea that will bring about what you desire because you held your success deep within your heart. You will then act on this idea and after a while it will seem like if your desire magically appeared from nowhere but it really didn't. You had the answer all along but just couldn't see it because you didn't believe it.

Let's take this apart so you can see clearly why what you perceive as true is what you believe and what you believe is what comes to past. It all starts with what's in your head and this will either shape or shatter your destiny. How many time have you said "I'm going to fail" then think about the few times you really had no doubt that you will succeed at whatever it was that you wanted to do. It can be something simple or huge, the point is you made up your mind to either fail or succeed.

You set the outcome before you even started to act upon whatever it was. Whenever you have a thought - you act according to the feelings resulting from it. The outcome is the result of your thoughts and actions combined. You can really think your way into a successful life.

Successful living happens to those who realize that words are powerful and you can speak abundance and prosperity or death and destruction into existence.

You will hold in your mind the curses or blessings that you speak out of your mouth and because of this you will act upon them in a negative or positive way. This means the outcome will either be negative or positive.

The phrase "be careful what you wish for" still holds true up to this day because you can have all your wishes come true if only you believe that they will. Imagine being able to say "I will have the house of my dreams" and within a year you are able to buy it cash.

Is this realistic to you or is that a bunch of nonsense? I used to think it was until I said I'll give it a try. The funny thing is I failed the first couple of time because of my belief system.

It was corrupted by traditional thinking much like yours. I simply didn't believe that any normal human being can manifest his desires into reality. I couldn't see how a man could believe he had something that wasn't there. Nor did he know how he will achieve it.

But I was determined and I had to let all the negative thoughts go. I had to believe that I could create that web business. Although it isn't finished I know i thought it into existence because it was started and that was only a few months ago. This is the beauty of thoughts and believing in them.

I hope you see how you need to think in order to really achieve successful living. Just remember that it is all in your head and if you believe it is true you will manifest your desires into reality.

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